September 9, 2015: Women's Bible Study
September 9, 2015
Ladies of all ages gather throughout the year for a variety of Bible Study offerings. Guests and visitors are always welcome! Recent past studies include Ruth: Loss, Love & Legacy by Kelly Minter, Galatians: Experiencing the Grace of Christ by John Stott, Why Do You Believe That? A Faith Conversation by Mary Jo Scarp, What Love Is…1, 2 & 3 John by Kelly Minter (group pictured), and Chase: Chasing After the Heart of God by Jennie Allen.
You are joyfully invited to JOIN US for the NEXT 6-week study: Fight Back With Joy by Margaret Feinberg! Celebrate more. Regret less!
Beginning April 19, the ladies will meet from 7:30-8:45 PM on Tuesday night in the fellowship room.
To sign up or for more Bible study info…
Alissa McLellan