Worship Style/Liturgy
The word "liturgy" means "divine service", and God is the one serving us in our Lutheran worship. Our worship services are based on traditional church liturgy in which God speaks to us through His Word and we respond to Him. In fact, almost all of the words in the liturgy come straight our of the Bible. This liturgy was used by the early church almost 2000 years ago and is rich in scriptural meaning, connecting us to our past -- and future -- in Christ Jesus. There is a depth to Lutheran worship that can take time to appreciate, thus you may find that you don’t understand everything that is happening the first week you visit. That’s OK, we encourage you to keep visiting!
The liturgy is aligned to the Church’s calendar, which orders the seasons and festivals of the church year --each of which is based on the various events in the life of Christ and His Church. So, instead of Summer, Fall, Winter and Spring, the Church’s calendar has Advent, Christmas, Lent and more. The Church calendar determines much of what happens in worship each Sunday (like the colors in the Sanctuary, or the readings for the day).
Hymns are sung which beautifully reinforce the themes of the bible readings and sermon for a given Sunday in the Church year.