Lutherans for Life - Life Thoughts in the Church Year
Life Thoughts in the Church Year
Based on appointed readings from Lutheran Service Book
December 18 – Advent IV:
Surprise pregnancy once redeemed the whole world. Joseph would have aborted the undertaking, but the Lord explicitly forbid it (Matthew 1:19-21). Even human limitations could not prevent the Heavenly Father from keeping His promises (Romans 1:2-3). So, every surprise pregnancy we encounter—along with our lives and everyone else’s (Psalm 24:1)—belongs to Almighty God, and we may rejoice to say so.
December 25 – Nativity of Our Lord:
The Lord bared His holy arm (Isaiah 52:10) not just by appearing in the form of a full-grown man. The Word became flesh (John 1:14) first as an embryo and a fetus. The clearest revelation of God’s glory (Hebrews 1:2-3) also designates every human life precious, no matter what age, appearance, or ability. We can no more keep quiet about the sanctity of life than we can leave out Christmas or Jesus from the Gospel!
Lutherans for Life witnesses to the sanctity of human life through education based on the Word of God. It serves through individuals who volunteer at pregnancy care centers, with hospice, through prayer, and in a wide variety of caring activities. It educates and encourages through conferences and workshops, printed resources and newsletters, Life Sunday materials and Bible studies, curricula, video, and through the website