Welcome Ray Benjamin Ward
Recently Zion has been blessed to receive several new members into our church family. If you haven't had an opportunity to meet them yet, be sure to welcome them to our fellowship!
Ben is joined by his parents after he is received into membership at Zion in July.
Benjamin Ward was received as a Zion member on July 9th. Born in Minneapolis, MN in 1997, Ben has lived in Pittsburgh for 14 years and has enjoyed every moment. He graduated from Washington and Jefferson College in 2020, and currently works for a logistics company based in Moon Township. He enjoys spending time outdoors hiking and fishing, especially during the summer. Ben has three brothers, two of which live in Dallas with his parents. His oldest brother lives in Wheeling, WV with his two nieces and fiancé. "I really enjoyed the last few months visiting Zion and I'm happy to become a new member".