Sunday School News
In the Classroom
In November, we'll start CPH's Enduring Faith Series, Unit 7 - "Jesus Comes For Us". November lessons include:
Lesson 1 - "An Angel Announces-Jesus’ Birth Foretold"
Lesson 2 - "Silence before a Son-John Is Born"
Lesson 3 - "The Temple Testimonies-Jesus’ Birth and Presentation"; and
Lesson 4 - "His Father’s House-Boy Jesus in the Temple".
Thank you …
Thank You to all Sunday School Teachers for making yourselves available to teach the Word to these young souls! And THANK YOU parents for bringing your children to class!
Our Christmas Video
Tess Carter has begun production of our SS Christmas video, which means children are "borrowed" from their classes to do the recording. Shortly, Mark Killinger will be working with the children for their Christmas performance. December 10 has been selected as the date for the children's performance and the showing of the Christmas video. December 17 will be the Sunday School Party. We are all looking forward to the video and the performance. There will be NO Sunday School on December 24 or December 31 due to the revised service schedule for those dates.
Bible Study for Teens & Adults
Adults and youth 7th grade and older are invited to the Fellowship Hall at 9:15 for Pastor's fascinating study on Exodus. You're never too old, or young, to study God's word! All are welcome....bagels, donuts and coffee provided.
Sunday School and Teen/Adult Bible Study begin at 9:15 and end at 10:15 am