The Chairman's Report
The Year Ahead – Let's Get It Done
This is Zion's 125th Anniversary Year. Please pay particular attention to all the coming mailings, Eblasts, bulletin and Newsletter notices for important information that every member will need. 125 years is a wonderful milestone and we need everyone to make this celebration a success.
One very important project we want to accomplish will be an updated Pictorial Directory to catalog all the members of Zion in this anniversary year! There will be critical deadlines involved to make this directory project a success. Please take action as appropriate to help facilitate this project. We contracted with a photographer and our office administrator, Susie Bishop, will be notifying everyone how the program is going to work to get photographed.
Additionally, on Sunday April 30th after the second service, we're having the usual light luncheon and regular quarterly Voters' Assembly. Please attend this meeting to hear about what is happening at your church. April 30th is also the first Sunday that the photographer will be on site to take pictures, so mark that date for action. Attend the meeting and smile for the camera!
We'll be doing more projects at the church over the coming months to prepare the property for the summer and the 125th Anniversary. Please help out if the Trustees need a hand with a work day. We need to get things done by the end of June because we run into the vacation season and the coming school year in July and August.
As always, let's keep our members who are dealing with health matters in our prayers! Pray for the Christians on this planet, our LCMS and Missions, our District, Circuit churches and your family here at Zion! We're quite blessed here at Zion so, remember -- to those to whom much is given, much is expected. Let's enjoy worshipping our Lord and Savior this Easter Season and into Pentecost. "Salvation is Created" by the Passion of Christ -- the Victory won for us!!! Amen.
-- Paul Klemash