Anniversary Anecdotes

I have many wonderful memories as a young girl growing up at Zion in our "old" church building on Prestley Road in Bridgeville. The building was smaller than our current church, but what we lacked in space we certainly made up for in Christian love and fellowship! In the early days, there was only one bathroom downstairs that was used by all, and there was an earthen floor in the downstairs kitchen. I remember helping to wash dishes in that kitchen the day before Ladies Aid night.

Confirmation classes were such an important part of our childhood. There was required memorization that helped us mature in the faith. I was confirmed on May 16, 1948. We were blessed with wonderful Pastors and Sunday school teachers … I remember Pastor Franke and Pastor Sandmann from my early years.

My husband Paul and I were married at Zion in 1955. My friend and Zion sister-in-Christ, Judy Oelschlager Dames, was my maid of honor. Pastor Sandmann conducted the service.

How much fun we had at picnics and other fellowship events! Picnics were held at Carnegie Park and Scheibs Farm (the site of our current church building.) We had strawberry festivals in the summer, and cantaloupe halves filled with ice cream in the fall. Clean-up afterward was simple and fun … we crossed St. Clair Street to the bridge across Chartiers Creek where we tossed the fruit rinds joyfully into the creek!

Zion Lutheran Church
The heart and soul of our worship is the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We believe God comes to us in worship to forgive our sins, strengthen our faith, and equip us for the challenges and opportunities for the week ahead. Our worship times are 8:00 and 10:30 on Sunday mornings with a Bible Study for adults and Sunday School for children of all ages at 9:30. The Lord’s Supper is celebrated at both services every week. Sunday morning worship is the highlight of the week at Zion Lutheran Church!!! We hope you will be able to join us! Each Wednesday this year (2014), we also have a 7:00 p.m. service. This service is shorter than our weekend service, in order to accommodate families with young children. If you have any questions about our worship, please e-mail or call our Pastor: 412-667-0967

VIDEO: Life Together with Rev. Dr. Matthew Harrison


Altar Guild Members Needed