Encouragement for those Facing Difficult Times
Two books from Stephen Ministries provide heap and hope for Christians dealing with hardship
Cancer: Now What?
Is a practical guide for those with cancer and their loved ones. It is a comprehensive, easy-to-read tool for navigating the medical, emotional, relational and spiritual challenges that cancer brings.
Link to Bookstore
Don’t Sing Songs to a Heavy Heart
Offers real-world advice on how to relate to those who are suffering. The reader will learn what to say and do – and what NOT to say or do – when people are hurting. The book is a valuable resource for those who work in a caregiving field, as well as for volunteers or anyone who wants to relate to people who are suffering in ways that ease their pain, instead of adding to their burden.
Link to Bookstore
Both books are available for loan in Zion’s library, located in our large conference room downstairs, or for purchase at: www.stephenministries.org