Chairman’s Report
Celebrating May
Let's enjoy the month of May at Zion for a lot of reasons! Your Preschool ministry finishes up the school year this month and starts summer camps. It's been a really wonderful year at the Preschool and I'm sure with the way Tracy's staff and Pastor's chapel sessions have been going, your church touched the hearts of all those little ones and planted some important seeds of faith. May will bring Mother's Day into focus, and Memorial Day at the end of the month is a reminder that we worship our Lord God Almighty in a place He has protected over the years through the sacrifice of many to keep this bastion of Christianity as vibrant as possible.
Pentecost is Sunday, May 28th; a very important time to realize that we're here to carry out a command to spread the Gospel and baptize in the name of the Triune God. That's our job, really. To bring people into fellowship. The Holy Spirit is here for a reason. The Spirit dwells in each of us and we need to be confident of that fact and resolve to spread the Good News so that others might enjoy the friendship and saving grace of Christ.
Hopefully everyone received a postcard to save the date for the 125th celebration in September! Susie has been working on the pictorial directory and I hope everyone is participating in that project. The summer will most probably be busy with trustee projects. There are a lot of things to do around your church. Please think about volunteering to help out or serve a term on a board or committee. We'll be looking for some help when the nominating process begins later in the summer. It's your church so take a bit of an ownership role and think about giving some "time and talent" to help spread the workload around.
Finally, keep the Christians on earth, our LCMS and our missions, our District, Circuit and of course Zion, in your prayers! Remember our church family members who are on the prayer list. Enjoy being a Christian!
Blessed be the Lord, who daily bears us up; God is our salvation. (Ps 68:19)
-- Paul Klemash