Chairman’s Report

Growing Season at Zion
Thank you to all who attended the June 25th Budget Voters' Meeting. Voters approved the operating budget this Fiscal Year -- July 1, 2023 thru June 30, 2024 -- which means your church will be managing a budget of nearly one million dollars. I hope you are all looking forward to coming to the Quarterly Regular Voters' Meeting on July 30th, after the second service to enjoy a light luncheon and hear the reports from the Pastor, Council Officers, Boards and Committees that serve you and the ministries at your church.

This Body of Christ has found favor with the Lord for 125 years and I hope you all are planning on celebrating our anniversary in September. Please be alert for the various communications with regard to our 125th Celebration. Don't let it pass you by. Enjoy being a chosen Christian and celebrate the gift of this parish that God has given you. The vision of the originators of this church lives on in YOU and hopefully many others to follow.

There will be some large projects happening at Zion in the coming weeks before September. We're undergoing a large landscaping renovation to make the property more manageable and attractive. The narthex carpeting will be replaced with tile. Additional windows in the sanctuary will be replaced with more energy efficient double pane products. Some security issues will be addressed; hopefully before the school year begins. The old kitchen doors will be replaced. Your trustees have been quite busy these last few years.

Consider helping out on a board or committee! The nominating committee and process will begin in August/Sept and new positions will be filled at the October Voters' Meeting. We'll announce the opportunities/positions that will need to be filled. For an overview of what any particular position entails, take a look at the Constitution which is available on our website, or talk to me about serving.

Hopefully, during the next 6 to 9 months we will enact an Endowment at Zion to provide for a more perpetual form of financial growth and monetary support. We're very blessed right now and we need to think ahead and structure our financial position smartly. Attend the Voters' Meetings to stay informed on the progress of these types of matters and to participate in your church's business plan. Be a cheerful giver and support your church.

Over the last 30+ years, Zion has accomplished a lot and endured a lot; both good and sometimes not so good. But, we've persevered and by the Grace of Almighty God we've grown to where and what we are today. It might be a good time to consider the future vision for Zion and take the pulse of the membership in some respects with regard to a future "vision" for our ministries. We are possibly at an "inflection point" of sorts and over the coming months it might be an idea to take stock of ourselves and discuss the ministries and our potential to grow our church in a manner that is responsible and also advantageous to the fulfillment of the Great Commission and our stated purpose in Article II of our Constitution, "To equip, send and support the members of the congregation to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ." So, stay tuned to participate in any efforts to survey or procure your opinions on matters pertaining to growth at Zion.

Christianity started with some apostles and less than one hundred followers who went out to speak the truth to a world that was hostile, yet in places hungry enough for the Holy Spirit to seed in the hearts and minds of some people. We're part of an ongoing process of continuing that work started so long ago. It requires more of us than merely attending church services; though surely that is a requirement of our dedication to our Lord. Five and a half years ago I asked you -- whether you were a "member" or "just belonged" to your church? A member (like your hand and feet are members of your body) actively participates and is engaged in the organization; while something or someone who merely belongs to it, is more like your shoes or your coat -- it merely belongs to you and really isn't an integral part of your being.

Opportunity is a fleeting thing. We're only here for a blink of an eye when you look at the time that has passed since the crucifixion. What should we -- you -- do to make our church a bastion of Christian love and refuge from an ever-increasing world of turmoil and confusion? Together we can do wonders.

We cannot look at our called work to spread the Gospel as some minor, or insurmountable, task! Remember the closing words of Paul in the book of Acts as he declares, (after admonishing the Jews for their "dull hearts")

"Therefore, let it be known to you that this salvation of God has been sent to the Gentiles; they will listen."

Evangelism calls; let's all pitch in and make our church a beacon of hope to the ears that will hear. Let's grow the Kingdom at Zion! No dull hearts here!!!

– Paul Klemash

Zion Lutheran Church
The heart and soul of our worship is the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We believe God comes to us in worship to forgive our sins, strengthen our faith, and equip us for the challenges and opportunities for the week ahead. Our worship times are 8:00 and 10:30 on Sunday mornings with a Bible Study for adults and Sunday School for children of all ages at 9:30. The Lord’s Supper is celebrated at both services every week. Sunday morning worship is the highlight of the week at Zion Lutheran Church!!! We hope you will be able to join us! Each Wednesday this year (2014), we also have a 7:00 p.m. service. This service is shorter than our weekend service, in order to accommodate families with young children. If you have any questions about our worship, please e-mail or call our Pastor: 412-667-0967

Lutheran's engage - Summer 2023 Issue - FREE PDF Download


VIDEO: Wednesday July 19, 2023 - Complete Service