Mission Moment: Pastor Philip & Deaconess Rachel Jaseph
In May, Pastor Phil shared a devotion with the directors of CPTLN (Cristo Para Todas Las Naciones), the Spanish-language branch of Lutheran Hour Ministries, who were gathered for their annual regional conference here in Montevideo. CPTLN-Uruguay director, and deaconess student, Gabi, is pictured here listening.
Spiritual Thirst We wrote in our last newsletter about the drought and subsequent drinking water issues faced by Uruguay and other parts of South America. All the talk of water in the news and in various conversations has us thinking also about the deep spiritual thirst affecting so many people in this country and around the world. I (Rachel) was reminded of this as I sat on the plane from Montevideo on the way to Guatemala. As I was reading the manual for the Law and Gospel course, the young woman sitting next to me was reading "Mi primer libro de astrología: Aprende a leer tu carta astral" (My first book of astrology: Learn to read your horoscope). The marked difference struck me.
As I was reading about how God's Law and Gospel function for our benefit so that we would recognize our sinful condition and believe in Christ as our only Savior and hope, someone sitting two feet from me was searching for answers, and direction for her life. Every day, all around us, there are people living their lives confused and lost, afraid and seeking certainty. They are spiritually thirsty, dying for the Living Water that is Christ Himself. The trick is, they don't know what it is they're seeking. May our Lord continue to work through us and through you in ways that only He can, so that the thirsty would come to the Fount that does not run dry.
We are pictured here with Deaconess Omega, director of CPTLN- Mexico during their regional conference. It was so special to see past students and now fellow deaconesses all the way down here at the bottom of the continent. What a great reminder of how connected we all truly are in Christ!