Lutheran Witness: September 2023
The September issue of The Lutheran Witness digs in to the relationship between archaeology and apologetics, discussing the Christian task of defending the faith and the vast mine of data that archaeology provides for enriching our understanding of God’s Word.
From the President: A Compelling Truth
From the Editor: Digging In: Archaeology & Apologetics
Jesus and Apologetics: A fresh look at an old conversation — Paul L. Maier
The Word of the Lord Endures Forever: The New Testament manuscript tradition — Sarah Reinsel
The Art of Archaeology: The nitty-gritty details of an archaeological dig — Mark Meehl
The Limits of Archaeology: What it can’t tell us — David Adams
Snippets: News from around the LCMS and the world
Lutheran Education: The Teacher’s Gifts
Set Apart to Serve: Appreciating Our Church Workers
From the CTCR: The Concept of Fellowship
Searching Scripture: All Is Rubbish Compared to Christ