Pittsburgh Zone LWML Fall Rally
Please RSVP by October 6th to Tevia if Interested: grmnstns@live.com
Pittsburgh Zone LWML Fall Rally
Zion Lutheran Church – Lawrenceville
237 37the St., Pittsburgh, PA 15201 - Parking lot just below the Church
Saturday October 14, 2023
Registration begins at 10:00 a.m.
Meeting starts at 10:30 a.m.
Cost $10
To register, contact Mary Lehocky at 724-601-2744 or marylehocky@hotmail.com by October 8th
Speaker: Dee Grzyb, LWML Eastern District President “What’s Your Why” and “The Treasure Hunt for LWML Resources”
Lunch followed by Zone business meeting and Eastern District 2024 convention meeting.
Ingathering: Heritage Community Initiatives
classroom supplies: crayons, markers, colored pencils, glue sticks, tape; diapers 6 weeks to toddler; boys and girls underwear and socks for 2-5 year olds.