Set Apart to Serve
October is Church Worker Appreciation Month
Each October, The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod celebrates Church Worker Appreciation Month. Congregations and school communities are encouraged to demonstrate special appreciation for their teachers, who teach God’s Word, love the children they teach and live a life of service to Christ and His church. Along with the Synod’s teachers, we recognize pastors, deaconesses, DCEs and all other church workers, who are vital to our life together.
I think God in all my remembrance of you always in every prayer of mine for you all making my prayer with joy, because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now," writes St. Paul in his letter to the Philippians (PHIL 1:31.
With this same gratitude, we thank the more than 11,000 church workers who serve our Synod with the Word and mercy of Christ. Throughout this month, congregations and schools are encouraged to show their appreciation for all church workers.
For teachers especially we give thanks, who teach God's Word to our children, dedicate countless hours to the classroom, who love the children of God they teach and who live a life of service to Christ and His church.
For all church workers, from pastors to deaconesses to directors of Christian education, parish music, family life and outreach, who teach God's Word and point us to Christ. Tell them "Thank you!" this month for all they do!
Set Apart to Serve seeks to create an intentional culture of church worker formation and recruitment in every LCMS congregation, school and entity. Visit to learn more