Sunday School News (Part 1 of 2)
Rally on, Sunday School!
We kicked off our new SS year on Sept 8th with Rally Day. It was a wonderful event, topped off by the congregational picnic after late service. Thank you to the people who helped with decorations and special refreshments in the fellowship hall (Susie, Linda, and others), and the Events Committee for the afternoon picnic. Visiting Pastor Oester also delivered some words to parents regarding the importance of Sunday School to the children’s spiritual growth.
Christian Education Books for SS Kids
On Rally Day, PreK-K and Grades 1-3 children were presented with age appropriate catechisms, and Grades 4-6 with a devotional book. The hope is that during the year, parents will work through the book with the younger children to help them get ready for Confirmation, and with the older children to help them get ready for the tween/teen years. We plan to periodically use these materials in Sunday School to reinforce their themes.