Merry Christmas, Pastor, Deaconess & Staff
Dear Brothers and Sisters of Zion,
Once again we begin a new church year. As we move through the season of Advent, we prepare for the celebration of the birth of Christ, our Savior. It is a joyful season, when we focus on giving to others because we have been given so much, including the forgiveness of sins and salvation.
It is the tradition of Zion to take a collection for Christmas gifts for the Pastor and Staff to show our appreciation for their efforts throughout the year. Enclosed are three envelopes in which you may contribute a free will offering toward their Christmas gifts.
In the envelope marked Pastor insert either cash or a check made out to Pastor Edward Grimenstein.
In the envelope marked Deaconess insert either cash or a check made out to Joanna Lee.
In the envelope marked Staff, please insert cash only. Monies collected will be distributed between six staff members: Susie Bishop (Office Admin), Jim Oelschlager (Custodian), John Migyanko (Treasurer), Mark Killinger (Music Director), Sandra Quinlan (Lead Organist), and Doug Krantz (Asst. Organist).
You may deposit the envelopes in the large collection box in the Narthex up until Dec. 24th.
We also want to gratefully acknowledge our Preschool Staff. Zion members Tracey Harris .(Preschool Director), Kari Gresh (Asst. to the Director) and Barb Oechslein (STEM Curriculum Leader) -- together with 17 additional teachers and aides in the classrooms - diligently share Christ's love with hundreds of children each week. Their efforts are vital to Zion's mission, and they have received a Christmas gift from the operating budget of the preschool, thus are not included in the church staff collection.
On behalf of the congregation, we thank you for your generosity in donating toward the Christmas gift for Pastor, Joanna, and the Staff.
Merry Christmas,
The Board of Elders
Bob Schmidt, Mike Wallace, Roger Diederich, Tom Erbrecht, Mike Sterba, Jim Neill, Sam Gar/off, & Mike Kroeger