Congregational Art Show - Friday, November 8, 2024

Calling all artists …
Zion’s 2024 Congregational Art Show will be held on
Friday November 8th from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
In the Fellowship Hall, with Wine & Hors d’oeuvres, Lemonade & Cookies
Families Welcome

  • Confirmation Age and up for submissions

  • Wine, Appetizers and Dessert - We will provide

  • Music during event - Provided by members of the church

We’re announcing this now so you’ve got time to prepare existing artwork, or create new artwork in time for the show. This exhibit is being planned for the Fellowship Hall on Friday November 8, 2024. Paintings, drawings, sculptures, photography, ceramics, fiber art, art-form jewelry, and more may be submitted. It may be a current or past original works of art.

We’re currently working out an entry form, so look for that soon on Zion’s website, in the newsletter, and in the bulletin. Artwork can be for sale, or just for show.
Questions? E-mail:

Pictured above in the slideshow are image from Zion’s last member art show in January of 2016.

Zion Lutheran Church
The heart and soul of our worship is the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We believe God comes to us in worship to forgive our sins, strengthen our faith, and equip us for the challenges and opportunities for the week ahead. Our worship times are 8:00 and 10:30 on Sunday mornings with a Bible Study for adults and Sunday School for children of all ages at 9:30. The Lord’s Supper is celebrated at both services every week. Sunday morning worship is the highlight of the week at Zion Lutheran Church!!! We hope you will be able to join us! Each Wednesday this year (2014), we also have a 7:00 p.m. service. This service is shorter than our weekend service, in order to accommodate families with young children. If you have any questions about our worship, please e-mail or call our Pastor: 412-667-0967

Chili Cook-Off Fundraiser at Zion - THIS SUNDAY!


VIDEO: Sunday September 22, 2024 - Complete Service