Special Presentation April 21, 2024 by the LHF
Join Us Sunday April 21st, between services, for a Special Presentation by the Lutheran Heritage Foundation
PARENTS & GRANDPARENTS … can you imagine teaching your young child about Jesus, without having any kind of Sunday school materials, or even a basic Bible storybook? This situation is a reality for many Lutherans around the world, but the Lutheran Heritage Foundation is helping to change that. Next Sunday, Rev. Robert Marshall, an LHF representative, will preach at our worship services. Plan to join us during Bible class at 9:15 when Rev. Marshall shares the exciting mission work LHF is doing worldwide.
Our Mission: The Lutheran Heritage Foundation
Imagine trying to understand Scripture in all its richness without the benefit of Luther’s Small Catechism, or trying to teach young children about basic Bible stories without books like A Child’s Garden of Bible Stories.
For Lutheran churches around the world, these situations are reality. They don’t have the basic books, so vital to understanding the Lutheran faith, because no one has translated them into their languages.
Through the mission gifts of people like you, LHF translates, publishes, distributes and introduces books that are Bible-based, Christ-centered and Reformation-driven.
In more than 90 countries and 145 languages, thousands of people have come to faith in Christ because they’ve been able to read books like The Good News About Jesus or Luther’s Small Catechism in their own languages.
LHF has published the catechism in more than 110 languages with dozens more requested. In the past decade, LHF has published and distributed over 1,300 titles and 3 million Lutheran books to pastors, seminary students, missionaries and churches – all at no cost to them.
Help guide unbelievers to Jesus Christ. Give to the LHF mission today.
The Lutheran Heritage Foundation is a Registered Service Organization of the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod (LCMS). Click here to read about the beliefs and practices of the LCMS.