UPDATE: Deaconess Call … and Vote!
Thanks be to God, our search for a Deaconess at Zion is progressing nicely! In recent weeks Zion's Call Committee has reviewed documentation from seven candidates, and from there narrowed its search down to two. Most recently, on March 20th the Committee interviewed the two candidates. Following the interviews and much discussion, the committee unanimously chose one Deaconess to whom they would like to extend a call.
As was shared previously at the January Voters Meeting, Zion’s Deaconess will focus on the following:
• Creating a preschool outreach initiative;
• Overseeing youth group programming;
• Assisting with Women’s Ministry;
• Creating new ways to minister to seniors,
On Sunday, April 28th following the 10:30 service, a Voters' Meeting will be held during which the committee will recommend the candidate for approval by the congregation. Lunch will be served.
Please make every effort to attend this important meeting and learn more about the Deaconess candidate.