Invitation to Organ Recital, Celebration Service & Dinner
Invitation to organ recital, celebration service and Dinner
St. John’s Lutheran Church, Ambridge, Pennsylvania (Pittsburgh area) will officially become part of The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod (Eastern District) at a special Celebration Service on Sunday, August 18th. The festivities will begin with an organ recital at 3 p.m. (Mr. Jonathan Hoyt of First Trinity, Pittsburgh). The Celebration Service will commence at 4 p.m. A dinner will follow. Pastors and parishioners not only of surrounding parishes in the Pittsburgh area but from other regions are invited to attend. Pastors are invited to vest and process (red stole).
If you have even a rough estimate of how many will be attending from your parish, please let Bruce Sutherland know by Friday, August 9th. He can be reached (text or phone) at 716- 998- 0225.
Please keep this historic congregation in prayer as they officially become part of our fellowship.