Patriot Day - Remembering September 11, 2001
On this National Day of Service and Remembrance, we give thanks for our first responders and volunteer chaplains who serve and support during times of crisis.
In accordance with Your Word, O God, my Savior, hear the prayers we pray for all those in authority. As You have ordained these powers so that we might live quiet, peaceable, and godly lives in this present age, prosper them in their blessed vocation as police, fire, and emergency medical officers. As they protect, protect them, O Lord, from all harm and danger. Keep them safe in their work. Give them success in preserving the life and property that You have graciously given to us. May they find joy in performing the service You have given them to do. May they be ever mindful of Your presence with them, even in their darkest hour. Comfort their loved ones who share them with us and who weep when they weep. When they are weak, give them strength. When they are afraid, give them courage. When they are in doubt, grant them wisdom from above.
Encourage those who minister to the first responders in our community, as well as to the suffering and grieving. Give those ministers strength to meet each challenge and opportunity of service. Uphold them in their work and grant them courage to hold forth the Gospel as they bring aid and comfort to those in need. Further their efforts, that those whom You have created may know Your loving care.
Thank You for those You provide to restore to us and our community the blessings of roads, clean water, and electricity. Many of them travel long distances to help in times of need; protect them in their travels and keep their own families safe. Bless them in their work of maintaining and restoring public services and protect these workers from every danger.
All this we pray, through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.
Adapted from Lutheran Book of Prayer, © 2005 Concordia Publishing House