President’s Report
Family and Friends
Hopefully everyone is enjoying what has been thus far a reasonably easy winter. By the time you read this we just might have added the vestibule to the school wing entrance and also replaced the broken and leaking windows around the altar area! The work never stops and your trustees are doing a great job getting things done on behalf of our ministries here at Zion.
Given the state of the world affairs and our own country's affairs, let's take a few moments to think about what your church means to you. I'm hoping your church is a refuge from the secular world of confusion and deceptions. Your church is a place to find peace and harmony and solace of a special kind that can only be realized when the Word is spoken in truth and purity with conviction and with promise and assurance. The music should move you. Your church is a place where a special "family" congregates and worships an almighty God in a bold fashion. We're created in the image of God and it's a logical inference that we call our God, "Father", thus, as Paul said in so many words in Ephesians, everyone on this planet should be calling God, "Father"-- since we're His children. After all, Christ, when hanging and dying on the cross called out to the "Father"-- who loves us and chose us. God the Father makes us a very real and important type of family.
Your church -- the people around you each Sunday -- is a family. Beyond that, as Jesus said in John Chapter 15, "You are my friends if you do as I command you." We all know the things our Lord has commanded of us and while we aren't going to live perfect lives, it's our destiny and our goal to strive to carry on in this world to the best of our abilities to fulfill His expectations in what we do while we're alive. We're blessed and we're all friends and family. "God Bless us, every one!" (as Tiny Tim said. So unselfish and heartfelt.)
Pray for the Christians on earth, our LCMS and missions, and your friends and family here at Zion. Praise the Lord.
– Paul Klemash