Summer Reading Club for Pre-K through 8th Graders
Summer Reading Club for Pre-K through 8th Graders
Program runs Now through August 11th
On June 11th, Sunday School Directors Jon & Connie Canale announced the "CPH Reads" Summer Reading program and encouraged all Zion kids Pre-K through 8th grade to participate. Readers who complete the program by August 11th will receive a $20 Sarris gift certificate (one per family) and be entered in a drawing to receive an annual Family Membership to the Pittsburgh Zoo!
Recently it was brought to our attention that CPH has changed the program guidelines this year ... when you log into the CPH Reads account (Beanstack) they are counting points by recording MINUTES READ, rather than NUMBER OF BOOKS READ. We have decided to run our Zion program the same as we did last year: kids will receive 50 points for any non-CPH book read; 100 points for a CPH book. Once you reach 1000 points, you can receive a prize! Use the back of the CPH Reads card (displayed on the red cart) to tally your books read ... turn this card in, along with a list of the book titles read, by August 11 to be entered to receive the prizes mentioned above. Questions??? Reach out to Jon or Connie Canale at or 586-604-7247.