VBS Volunteers Needed!
VBS is July 24th-28th from 9am-noon.
Our theme is "God's Living Water" from CPH. 75 kids are registered, and we need a few more volunteers to ensure the success of our program! Even if you can only help 2 or 3 days please reach out! We could use extra hands in the kitchen, craft helpers, and crew assistants. We have a great week planned, come help us share the love of God with our kids and community!
If you are able to give of your time to this wonderful ministry for children, please contact Karen at kkress5@gmail.com or Megan at proverbs31meg@yahoo.com, OR simply follow this link to sign up on SignUpGenius:
VBS Snack Donations
If you aren't able to attend, but would like to help, one way you can do that is to bring in snack donations over the next two weeks. Please bring them to the kitchen and write VBS on them. Any help is appreciated!
Goldfish, Pretzels, Animal Crackers, Pirates Booty, Veggie Straws, Individuals Bags of Chips
VBS Mission Donations
Another way that you can contribute to VBS this year is by donating to our mission. We will be collecting money for Foster Love Project. This organization helps support the many needs of foster kids and families. You can read more about them here https://www.fosterloveproject.org/story-and-mission/. Drop your donation in the receptacle in the back of the sanctuary on Sunday July 23rd or Sunday July 30th ... or bring it during VBS week!